Samrit Bunditkitsada's progressing takeover of Reading has caused a great stir on social media sites, with the man himself happy to accept Facebook requests on his 'personal' page. With all the hype around him many have been trying to temper expectations, with the memory of Anton still fresh. That said, the 39-year-old has won over many fans already. In many ways he's the antithesis of the current regime with his open communication, compared to that of Zingarevich era when the club were conspicuously silent - even in the face of ever growing concerns from the fans - which is evidently garnering a positive reaction. The biggest issue for many is how much Bunditkitsada's actually worth. A reporter allegedly told BBCRB that he's got no more than £180m, a fair bit less than the 'billionaire' that GetReading seem to suggest - although that's fairly insignificant if he's just the head of a consortium, as the paper have reported (Charles Watts on twit
From the man who's still convinced that Nick Blackman is a good player.